Sequels are hard to pull off, but Dorow amazed me with The Love of a Princess. It follows Princess Adelaide, daughter of Queen Arabella and King Rowan, as she faces a plague that ravages her kingdom and her future. It’s a loose Ruth retelling to follow the previous Esther retelling, and I can’t stress enough how phenomenal this novel was.
Ratings for The Love of a Princess
Story: 5/5
Worldview: 5/5
I can’t go too much into the story without spoilers, but let me tell you this: I loved every fight scene. They were musical and tense and I could just see the stroke of every sword in the air and the aftermath.
Both Princess Adelaide and Lord Nicolas have their flaws and their faults, but they’re so real at the same time. I cried when God challenged them to trust their lives in His hands. It’s such a simple message, but it resonated deeply with the character and me.
And while I’m here, I guess I’m already talking about worldview. I was stunned, as these characters didn’t just learn about God, but they learned what it means to surrender completely. It’s such an amazing reflection of how each of us are called to do the same. His yoke is easy and his burden is light. 🙂
Overall: 5/5 for The Love of a Princess, and I am saving up to buy the next book!