Paper Castles (#1) by Ellie Ember
Paper Castles is the first book in the Paper Castles trilogy, and it does a fantastic job. I’m tired of trilogies at this point, since more and more of them use book 1 for setting the stage and neglect a standalone plot. But Paper Castles does everything a first book in a trilogy should do…
Reach by O McCarthy (For the Stars Book 1)
It seems I’ve been on a sci-fi dystopian kick lately, and Reach is a great addition to that list! I didn’t know what to expect exactly with the mention of martian genetics, secret government plot, and chess? (I love chess, especially when I’m the one losing lol) Ratings for Reach Story: 4/5 Worldview: 4/5 Story…
The Shattered Ones by Brigitte Cromey (Aftermath #1)
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve read a sci-fi/dystopian book, and The Shattered Ones was the perfect reintroduction. Even though we’re looking at the aftermath of a great battle that ravaged Earth, the heart and soul of this book is so encouraging. I typically stay away from dystopian because it tends to make me…